Fast Facts
Cost for the course: $69
Cost for the membership: $99
Volume: don't buy information technology!

English language Limerick 1 was the third course I took from Straighterline. I finished it in 13 days (about 45 hours) with a final grade of 93%.

In this class, in that location are twelve topics, 15 short quizzes, and viii writing assignments. All the quizzes are worth 60% of your final grade, and all the assignments are worth 40%. There is no last exam. Straighterline will guide you in doing the quizzes in the correct order and completing the assignments. You will submit them through an anti-plagiarism software called Turnitin. However, you tin can do them in whatever society you wish and at your own footstep.

Here is the clarification of the course and the course syllabus from Straighterline's website.

I went through the quizzes on the offset topics in i day. Straighterline volition give you the necessary readings assignments (from Purdue Online Writing Lab) to accept those quizzes. They are and then thorough that I didn't need other supplementary books.

The following days, I focused on writing the assignments, submitting the drafts (that is non available in some assignments), reviewing the feedback, revising my typhoon, and submitting the last draft. Sometimes, I did the assignments out of order.

Practice. . .

      . . . review the quiz answers advisedly. The quizzes are mostly very easy, especially the first ones — so easy that they made me grinning sometimes. Well, I knew the correct answers, simply the figurer marked them wrong! I contacted SL (back up ticket through MyLine Dwelling), and I got the credits for my right answers. The person said she had updated the quiz, just do check them carefully, anyhow!
      . . . study for the quiz "Graded Quiz: A Different Expect at the Post." It covers logical fallacies. Await over the lesson flashcards (I did not, and passed the quiz but I'd taken Introduction to Philosophy).
      . . . follow their picky guidelines on the quiz "Graded Quiz: Website Validity." You don't have to scrutinize every site. Basically, only the domains .gov and .edu are adequate to them!
      . . . use the hints and samples in the tabs "Study Aids & Resources" and "Sample Essays and Helpful Hints." Earlier starting on an assignment, read through all of them, and it will be much easier for you lot. Information technology would have been convenient if SL had divided them and placed them together with each assignment inside the topics, simply at that place they are — don't forget to use them!
      . . . use the citation generator for the research newspaper (it is in the tab Introduction and Getting Started — at the bottom, "We tin can assist you create your Works Cited Page"). This is like shooting fish in a barrel to miss, so don't miss information technology!

Don't . . .

      . . . spend too much time on 10-arrow assignments similar the "Fable Narrative" and the "Descriptive Paragraph." Information technology was fun to work on them, but save fourth dimension for the "big" assignments, especially if y'all're in a tight schedule!
      . . . follow extreme detours while searching for citation sources. Information technology is homeschooling, I gauge . . . but they tin can cost yous a fleck as well much time.
      . . . stress out on following directions and doing exactly according to the given Sample Assignments — they're non perfect! It helped to contact the student advisor (showtime time through submitting a ticket, them e-mailing her). She was very helpful and replied almost of my inquiries quite promptly.
      . . . panic if your essay is identified as having 4% similar cloth. Turnitin is quite powerful and some of your thoughts might be the aforementioned as someone else'due south.
      . . . get stuck on Google Scholar. I found that it is a search engine that brings upwards only academic journals (SL does not permit y'all to cite such sources as blogs, wikipedia articles, and biased websites). Information technology is useful after yous get a little acquainted with writers and journals, but quite disruptive at showtime. Well, my topic was homeschooling, and when I searched through the Google Scholar, only the negative perspectives came up. I spent many hours of frustration there. Therefore, it is helpful to read the wikipedia article and use the sources at the stop even if you tin can't cite it. However, I still cited some information from the websites NHERI and HSLDA; the grader did not seem to heed that, though an instructor had told me that I should not used the "biased" sources.
      . . . forget to cite your summary essay in a "Works Cited" page. I thought that information technology would be enough to mention the title and author in the introduction, but I learned through painful experience that it is not.

In Determination:
If y'all don't like writing, this might not be an enjoyable form; and even if you like writing, it tin can become quite stressful sometimes. Retrieve to accept breaks (I took six days off because of our schedule:P ): they really help! Remember, English language Composition I is not the most of import affair in your life. Take fourth dimension to live and experience, too.:D

"Therefore, my dearest brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." — ane Corinthians xv:58

Do it for God. He will ever help you!