Real talk: Does this cat love me, or does information technology love what I can practise for it? It'south a question many a true cat parent has pondered.

Mikel Delgado, cat behavior expert with Rover, confirmed that cats can, indeed, feel amore for humans. "Cats can have a lot of the same emotions that nosotros do, including liking to be around us and enjoying our presence," she says. "I believe they are capable of enjoying relationships with united states of america and even loving united states of america. "

Cats derive pleasure, safety, and comfort from their relationships with humans. Nonetheless, all cats express their happiness with their human being companions differently. Long story short? Cats have singled-out personalities, just like people.

"Some cats are more affectionate than others, or they're more obvious with their affection," Delgado explains. "For some cats, the way they prove they beloved you lot is to desire to be in the same room with yous. For other cats, the way they show they love you is sitting on your chest and purring in your confront."

Delgado gave us tips for interpreting cat behavior, no matter what kind of feline yous accept, you can encounter once and for all, that your cat does indeed honey you.

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Step i? Make sure your cat has been socialized.

Cats can love their humans—simply non all cats tin dearest the way we want them to. In order to make a great pet, it helps if a cat has become accustomed to human beliefs from a immature age.

Delgado cites a "sensitive menstruation" in a kitten's coming-of-age, between two to nine weeks, during which they become comfy coexisting with people. "Kittens that are handled by people at that time are going to be more open and trusting of people after in life," Delgado says. Dr. Sarah Nold, staff veterinarian at Trupanion, suggests that adopting a kitten up to seven weeks old for the speediest bonding.

kitten looking up towards the camera

Emerge Anscombe // Getty Images

When the sensitive menstruum is over, a kitten can however learn to love a human—only it's a slower process. Fifty-fifty though cats are a domesticated species, they're able to live independent of human care. A feral cat, for example, would never be wholly at ease with people; and probable, vice versa. "It'd be like trying to tame a squirrel or raccoon. You wouldn't end upwardly cuddling a raccoon," Delgado says.

As for homing stray cats? That'south a go, in sure situations. "Some cats that live outside practice get a lot of exposure to people—they just may have never lived in a home. They learned, through association, that people are good. They bring me food, maybe I should trust them. But it'll be an aligning to living indoors," Delgado says.

Then, wait out for these behaviors.

  1. They care for you like you're a cat. When cats don't feel threatened by other cats, they will show affection by rubbing on them, sleeping near them, and being in their presence. If your cat replicates those behaviors with you lot, Delgado says information technology has officially imprinted on y'all.
  2. They rub confronting you lot. Delgado says this is the "telltale sign" your cat has accepted yous into its social group.
  3. They follow y'all into a room. If a cat is following you around, that means information technology wants to be around you, according to Delgado.
  4. They come into your sleeping room while you're sleeping. Some cats are threatened by a humans' size. Every bit a result, they may feel safer around humans when they're lying on a bed, compared to walking effectually.
  5. They glimmer their eyes slowly. Happy cats tend to blink their eyes slowly and softly. Humans tin can mimic this gesture, and communicate with their cats. "Softening your gaze is definitely a good manner to take the tension out of the space," Delgado says.
  6. They knead their paws like a kitten. Ever seen your cat pushing in and out with its forepart paws? That's a gesture kittens make when they want their mother to release milk. "When they exercise that to you, it'south like you're mommy," Delgado says, and it's some other sign your true cat is comfy with you lot.
  7. They brand the right kind of meow. According to Delgado, "meowing" is a way for cats to communicate with people. "It'southward a very effective style of pushing buttons and pulling at our heartstrings and getting us to do whatever they desire, whether it's giving them treats or attention," Delgado says.
  8. They bear witness their belly—in some cases. Some cats expose their bellies equally a sign of relaxation and trust. Other cats, co-ordinate to Delgado, show their bellies because they want to play.
  9. They prove their tail, too. One time once more, the meaning of this gesture depends on the cat. "Some cats only have an active tail when they're irritated," Delgado says. However, it tin also exist a sign of affection.

In order to see these behaviors, your true cat needs a comfortable environment.

According to Delgado, the key to a cat's happiness is setting up an environment in which cats can express behaviors that are natural to them. Be the doer of everything the cat loves: Providing treats, and playing difficult to get. Also, Nold suggests getting your feline friend a climbing tree.

"So, cats can really build trust and a bond," Delgado says.

kitten playing with feather toy

Benjamin Torode // Getty Images

These rules hold true for all breeds of cats.

Generally speaking, Delgado says, true cat behavior is consequent between breeds. Whereas dogs were bred to replicate different behaviors, the same isn't true for cats, which were bred for looks—not personality.

"Some breeds are very agile, like Abyssinians, and Siamese are known to be vocal, merely as far as like body linguistic communication and interactions with people, they're general across all cat breeds," Delgado says.

maine coon cat close up indoors

Purple Collar Pet Photography // Getty Images

If you want your cat to love you, play hard to get.

As a cat possessor, your impulse may be to immediately cuddle with your buddy. But Delgado recommends letting your cat have accuse of interactions. "Nosotros know from enquiry that cats actually adopt to be the one to arroyo you. And if you let them make the offset movement, you'll have a better interaction," Delgado says.

Over time, Delgado adds, your cat will trust you more, because you lot respect its limits. This dynamic explains why people who are allergic to cats tend to complain that cats love them. "They're totally avoiding the cat—and the cat is like, Ooh, I want to sit on that person because they're not being pushy."

Finally, find a cat that fits your lifestyle.

All cats accept different personalities. Sometimes, it'due south possible to ad0pt a kitten or cat with a sure kind of personality. Nold says humane societies and rescue centers work with cat behaviorists to evaluate cats' personalities. "Share what y'all're looking for the heart you're adopting the cat from, " Nold says.

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